A globetrotter at heart, thirsty for discovery in the broadest sense, with a mad desire to share and meet people.
This is my energy and my dynamism!
This profession with its resonances of self to self, of exchanges and of supporting others has every meaning for me today.
Very tactile and grounded, “always barefoot!”, I enjoy sharing and also receiving.
More than a beautiful adventure, these are unsuspected life experiences, each rich and inexhaustible, which are offered to me through these beautiful encounters, nourish me and which I hope will never dry up.
Spontaneous and instinctive, I follow my desires and above all return to my initial project in mind for many years: a guest house with a Well-being offer accessible to an individual clientele and/or complementary to a stay in the heart of the Alps in our beautiful Grésivaudan valley.
Here I am, launched with "gusto" and passion into this wonderful adventure!
My first job in the hotel and catering industry will give way to another one that speaks to me today and allows me to be ME more.
A journey and a continuation of many signs of life which highlight my values and my strength.
The rest will take care of itself if it is meant to, I live in full awareness, here and now,
the greatest gift of life!

Formé auprès de San&Là à Domène (38) en 2021.
J'ai souhaité un parcours sérieux, cadré me correspondant, hors format scolaire pour me permettre de vivre pleinement cette formation en combinant ma vie professionnelle et familiale sans restrictions.

They follow my personal project and my professional career.
I wanted them to be traditional, with a deep-rooted origin, Ayurvedic but not only, Japanese and Chinese through plantar reflexology.
Through Well-being Massage, you can discover yourself, listen to yourself, find yourself, comfort yourself, reconcile yourself and offer support adapted to each person's physicality, their past and their development, wherever they are, wherever they are at.
Child, adolescent, adult, active or not and without gender differences.